In the Rest API we did a specific implementation of query parameters, to add more customization for the data request.
It defines a number of system query options that allow refining the request.
Below, there is all the system query options implemented for the ECLYPSE Rest API.
To address the raw value of a primitive property, clients append a path segment containing the string $value to the property URL.
To use this query option you need to use the classic resource and add the element name you want to print followed by the query string name.
Be careful, the parameter query string is used in the URL and is not like other parameters.
The $select system query option allows clients to request a limited set of properties for each entity.
The value pass in the parameter can be:
(star) : This will show all child elements.,
(comma).If there is no value after the select query option, the parameter will be ignored. All the values that are not specified will not be printed in the response.
The $expand system query option specifies the related resources to be included in line with retrieved resources.
The value passed in the parameter can be:
(star): This will expand all child elements.,
(comma).The $expand system query option can be used with the $levels query option, to expand recursively.
The $orderby system query option allows clients to request collections in a particular order.
The value passed in the parameter can be "asc" for ascending order and or "desc" for descending order. If you prefer, it is possible to order the elements according to a specific value (see the example).
Cyclic navigation properties can be recursively expanded using the special $levels option. This query option is used in addition to the $expand query options.
The value of the $levels option is a positive integer to specify the number of levels to expand.
The name, complete or partial, of a city.
Examples when looking for Springfield city:
It is possible to specify a region and a country by separating them with a coma.
Examples when looking for Springfield city in Minnesota: